Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I now know what my weight is in stone, thanks to NHS

An incredibly detailed and thrilling account of my WONDERFUL week in Tuscany is still in the works, but in the meantime I thought I'd tide you all over with this little entry.

For the past 5 days now I've had a very unfortunate illness that is painful, annoying, life-sucking, and seemingly impervious to any kind of medication. Fortunately the doctor said it's a virus and should be gone within a few days (and I got to make use of the healthcare system here...and man is it awesome!! Lab test for free!! Real doctors see you within the hour!! I feel like flagging down everyone who calls it "Obamacare" and saying "hey guys, look over here!"), and legitimately told me to just drink tea. Love England.

Anyway, as I've been coming in and out of consciousness for the past 5 days, I've had plenty of time to discover just how nerdy I really am. I think that illness makes you discover the real you. Bear with me here. If left to your own devices all day long and relieved of your responsibilities, what do you do?

I, apparently, read. Watch a couple seasons of Weeds. Research free agents in my fantasy baseball league. Listen to opera and musicals. And religiously read every answer on j-archive.com from the previous night's episode of Jeopardy! and fist pump and verbally yell "fuck yeah!" then "ow, my throat!" when I get the hard ones right.

I guess the only reason for this post is to share: I am a huge, huge nerd.